23 February 2009

A Moody Debut From A Stunning New Band: Glasvegas

This album was easily one of the most surprising and stunning debuts of 2008 in the UK, and will surely act as the same here in the States for 2009. But I must warn you, if you're not a fan of thick Scottish accents, it may take you a few spins to warm up to this band. With that aside, Glasvegas delivers an album full of emotion, spirit, and meaningful lyrics... a rarity among today's rock scene whether you wish to admit it or not.

One of the most refreshing aspects of this album is that it is made by musicians who know their craft and use real instruments. As ridiculous as that may sound, today's music scene seems more and more crowded with bands who have adopted the laptop as a musical instrument, flooding the airwaves with the newest crackles and synths courtesy of a make-shift bedroom studio. Glasvegas takes it back to basics and delivers what has been eluding modern music... heartfelt tales of average people told alongside well thought out and skillfully composed music.

The album kicks off with what many listeners deemed an easy pick for song of the year in 2008 among the UK, "Flowers and Football Tops - a song about a mother left without a son due to violence. The song clocks in at nearly 7 minutes, but not a second is wasted. The track is immense, giving off a sense of space with the help of some of the best placed reverb I've heard in a while. The track is topped by the raw emotion within the ending, where the refrain of "You Are My Sunshine" lingers on a chord that is sure to send chills down your spine. Other notable tracks include "Geraldine," "Daddy's Gone," and "Go Square Go." Geraldine and Daddy's Gone showcase the soulful aspects of Allen's voice (lead singer). The tracks also show his knack for recognizing social aspects in his songwriting, rather than penning songs that are self-consumed and repetitive in nature. Each track is cleverly put together and exhibits a sense of restraint that will have you begging for new material after the album has run through its 42 minutes.

There has been much hype surrounding Glasvegas worldwide, and often that's a sure sign to a brief 15 minutes in the limelight. But this band is an exception. Upon listening to this album, you will find yourself thoroughly consumed in its near perfect orchestration and commentary on human nature. I guarantee that this will be an album that you'll find yourself listening to 1... 5... 10 years down the road. It's an album of timeless rock and roll without the filler... an album you will find yourself listening to track by track without feeling the need to skip or fast-forward. It's rare that you can say such things about a debut album, but then again, it's rare that a band like Glasvegas comes along and delivers on such high expectations.

Simply put, buy this album. It will be one of the best purchases you make for your music collection this year. The album follows through on all the hype and curiosity from critics and listeners worldwide. This will definitely be an album to remember for 2009.

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